Welcome to Negeri Dongeng, a place where I express my love to food and photography. I am Sefa, a full time mother of a cute little boy named Kareem, a part time student at University of Applied Science Bremerhaven, Germany and a freelance photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yup, at the meantime I reside in Jakarta, Indonesia but I have to return to Bremen, Germany every 6 months in order to finish my study. Yup, it's indeed tiring, but fun!
It is a long story and journey until I have this domain on my own. It started from Multiply, then jump to and end-up here, but one thing remain, my passion about food and photography that raised during my staying in Germany. Some of photography awards I earned during my blogging time can be checked , and some mentioned I got from media.
If you have questions, suggestion, or just want to say hi, please do not hesitate or through this page here.
Thanks for dropping by!
Sefa Firdaus
Unless linked, stated or noted, all the written contents and photographs in Negeri Dongeng are my original work and copyrighted. If you are interested in using them, !