In Indonesia, this sweet treat is also known as Terang Bulan (terang = bright ; bulan = moon), but don't ask me why they named it like that since I really don't have any idea (but I do know how it tastes). By the way, manis is sweet in English.
I've made this sweet several times before and always forgot to capture it. The last time I made was at night and we were too hungry to wait until it finish being photographed. As the weather getting colder day by day, our appetite is getting bigger too. Our hungry bellies always growl couple minutes after we had our meals. No wonder it's hard to loose weight during winter time (Oh no! We are still in autumn yet. Can you imagine how we'll look like in winter?).
To keep our bellies quiet, I always made something sweet or savoury for snacks or dessert these days. To day, I made this sweet right before lunch time. At first, I don't want to take picture, but then when I saw the sun shone brightly, I changed my mind. Unfortunately, when I finished making it and arranging , the sun disappeared leaving the sky in darkness. For it, I am really sorry for the poor quality of the pictures set here (it was also a tough photo session for me as I've been of for taking food photo in quite period).
The street vendor who sell this sweet, is using a special pan. Some of my friends brought the pan from Indonesia, regrettably, the pan is very heavy. For a Ø26cm martabak pan, it weights around 5kg while airlines only allowed 20kg baggage (though from Germany, the Gulf country airlines allow up to 35kg). But still, I rather skip this pan than loose my 5kg for only one stuff. Then, what should we do if we want to make sweet martabak? Are we still able to make it?
Yes we are!

I made this martabak by using (in Germany we call it "aluguss pfanne"). Since to make the pancake cook, we have to cook it over a small heat and in such period, and this kind of skillet help to distribute the heat without burning the bottom side of pancake. Mine turned out heavenly, even my better half said that my sweet martabak is equal to the one sold by abang-abang (the true meaning of abang is big brother, but here we said abang to refer the street vendor, and we said it two times "abang-abang").
I got the recipe from my multiplier friend Nining who got it from Stella. Normally to make sweet martabak, it calls for yeast, but their recipes call for baking soda. Baking soda helps the dough to have pores while being cooked. The real sweet martabak must be bersarang (having pores) like the photo below.

For the filling, you can add anything you like though the common filling are chopped peanut, grated cheese and rice chocolate. In this recipe, I filled my sweet martabak with grated Gouda cheese, rice chocolate and chopped almond. Then I drizzled them with sweet condensed milk. I also substituted water with fresh milk and used my own measurement. This is a half recipe from the original.
Martabak Manis (Indonesian Style Sweet Thick Pancake)
Recipe by Stella through Nining, slightly modified by me (serving 3 using Ø20 cm cast-iron pan)
Sweet Martabak (Pancake):
250 gr all-purpose-flour
400 ml fresh milk
1 egg (medium size)
30 gr granulated sugar
½ tbsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
Granulated sugar for drizzling, as needed
Rice chocolate
Chopped almond
Grated Gouda cheese (or any fav cheese of yours)
Condensed milk
Butter for spreading

1. Combine all the ingredients except baking soda in a bowl. Mix using whisker until well dissolved. Sieve if there are still lumps in the batter. Rest for an hour and more in a room temperature.
2. Heat the pan over medium heat. Add baking soda and whisk. Pour the batter over the pan. Cook over small heat until the surface dry up and consist pores. Drizzle small amount of sugar over the pancake and cover the pan and let it cook until set.
3. Transfer martabak into a flat plate or cutting board. Spread pancake with butter. Add your desired filling (even you can combine the filling) and pour condensed milk over. Fold the pancake and spread again with butter. Cut as desired.
4. Serve warm or cold.
duuh pengen makan martabak nih...
Hmm winter already started hre and the pics making my belly grow grow grow. Hmm wish i could bite this right away. Looks appetizing.
nanti gw bikin lagi dweh biar bisa dipotret. eh itu poci-nya lutu dweh warnanya.
gue mesti bikin lagi nih..qiqiqiiqq..kemaren bikin pake resep Ayin, sekarang gue coba resep loe Fa..moga berhasil...cakep bow warnanya
mbak Sef, sukses berat martabaknya. Bisa mulus gitu ya padahal cuma pake wajan ya ? ah jd pengen bikin :)
mantepp fa.., aku br mau bikin yg kesekian kali kmrn taunya keabisan baking soda deh blm bl lg.., emang aku jg sukses kalo cuma pake BS aja ga pake yeast...
Bagiiiiiiiiii!!! gw paling doyan martabak Fa. Apalagi kalau pake coklat meses ama kacang. lahap deh makannya:) sayangnya coklat meses disini susah dicari.
thanks u/ reminder dmblgitnya. btw yg ultah anak gw bukan gw qiqqii
gw jadi gempar pada dpt info dari mana kalau gw juga ultah.
With recipes like this it's hard to lose weight the entire year hehe
huaaaaaaa udah lebih dari 3 tahun gw gak makan martabak manis.... mau banget
Jadi pingin Martabak manis Sef :P .. tampak nyammmi banget buat nyambi minum kopi he he :D
huhu...jelous, cantik banget penampakannya...*pengen nyomot*
aku pernah liat pan itu Fa..cman ga tau bedanya apa sama tefal, kecuali lebih tebal dan berat. tnyata ok banget yak hasilnya, kulitnya persis kaya yang di jual2 ituh..
jadi pgn punya Pan kayak gitu..
Wow, I've never seen a dessert like this with rice chocolate and cheese! Amazing photos.
cakep bgt Sef martabaknya, beneran ngiler nih
Suprise waiting for you.
mintaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... *gila itu poto mengundang hasrat..
wow.. cantik martobatnya...pocinya jg..hunting poci ahh wkwkwkwk
fotonya keereen...jadi pengen...ijin copas ya mba...
I love this! Would try it one day!
Waaahhh menggoda , mauuuuu bikiiiin ahhhh :)
Thanks ya Mba Resepnya, udah aku posting.
Wow this recipe looks delicious, in fact I had never heard about this but I will tell to my boyfriend who is always visiting Viagra Online if he can make this at home.
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Hi there.. just want to make sure, when u said the serving is for 3, do u mean u divided the batter into 3 (cook it 3 times)? I just follow ur recipe today, and it didnt have a lot of holes on it.. :(
Haha.. I think I have failed in making this the first time. Lol...
wah mantaap.