I love Chinese foods, that's why every where we traveled around, there would be one time (more actually) dined out in a Chinese restaurant. My hubby always gave me a I-disagree-but-since-I-love-you-I'm-in face every time I took him to eat Chinese foods. He loves them though but he just doesn't like the idea eating them every where every time. He likes to try the origin and special food from each city we visited, to experience something new. Me as well, but I feel incomplete if one day from our traveling days without eating Chinese foods *LOL*
Fairly I like to eat homemade Chinese food instead of dining out in a restaurant. They used too much mono sodium glutamate (MSG). It made me dehydrated (ya I know, I exaggerate it). I mean I always felt very thirsty after dining out there. Me myself don't like to use MSG when cooking and if I have to use, e.g. instant beef broth (which contains of MSG too), I always reduced the amount. (But when you are traveling, why bother cooking!)
One of my favorite is Mun Tahu. I didn't remember how many times I've made this meal, but never got bored of it. I got the recipe from my lovely multiplier friend. She is a good cooker and so far, her recipes have never failed to satisfy my appetite.
I made some modification in this recipe by using my own measurement and substituting the use of ang ciu with mixture of light soy sauce and palm vinegar. The original recipe called Mun Tahu Special since it mixed minced beef with mince shrimp, mine was without shrimp, that's why I named it simply Mun Tahu.
I made this meal last Friday for lunch. To tell you the truth, when I cooked it, I was totally exhausted since I only slept for couple hours after coming home from working in the morning (this week I got night shift from 10pm to 6am). Because of that, I almost canceled my plan to join the event created by for celebrating her 88th post, . But a promise is a promise! I have to keep it and also I have a visitor staying at my home that I have to feed. So, I gathered the power to cook and photograph the dish. I ended up with 100 sets of Mun Tahu for an hour! (Frankly, I'm not good in food styling and food photography, that's why it took me 100 sets to finally give up, hahaha).
, happy 88th posts! Hope you'll like my food.
Recipe source: Mun Tahu SpeSial, To Love and Be Loved.
300 gr silk tofu, diced
200 gr minced beef
2 stalk of green onion, finely sliced
4 cloves of garlic, finely minced
Cooking oil
100 ml water
1 tbsp oyster sauce
A mixture of 1 tbsp light soy sauce + 1 tbsp palm vinegar (as substitution of ang ciu)
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1 tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in 200ml water
1 tsp sesame oil (optional when desired)
1. Heat the wok until smoke out. Add cooking oil.
2. Add minced garlic, sauté until fragrant and golden brown.
3. Add minced beef. Stir fry until the color changed. Season with all the spices except cornstarch and sesame oil. Cook until 3/4 cooked.
4. Add tofu and green onion. Stir carefully until the spices well blended.
5. Pour into water, cook over moderate heat for about 5 minutes. Add cornstarch mixture, mix well until boiling and thickened. Add sesame oil, mix to blend. Remove from the heat.
See some photos from 100 and me being an amateur photographer in this album: Mun Tahu - Caught in The Act.
asyik dibawain mun tahu kesukaan hehehe
thanks for participating yah ^_^
Faaaa....toozz samaan kita nih...:P..btw aku belum pernah juga bikin mun tahu...aku contek fa :D..kebeneran banyak tahu nih dirumah...qiqiqiqi
btw, cakep gitu kok fotonya...:D...emang moto makanan tuh capek berat aku juga ngerasain kok...apalagi kalo ga dapet angle yang bagus...bisa bikin bete seharian...qiqiqi
lom pernah bikin.. :( pgn nyuba tp tahu lg ga punya.... lain kali coba ahhh
Teko nya cakep amat Sef !!!!
Iya poto nya bagus koq, terutama yg paling atas. Mun tahu aku juga suka tp nggak pernah bikin...kapan2 aku nyontek ya say
Sefa.........mampir yah gw. Pan anak gw doyan tofu loh. masak sih tego lo gk kasih si Nate hahhaa
Gw dah bilang ama si Elsye banyak yg ikutan event ini, so garing dah gw change buat menang tipis huahahhahaa
kita bilangin ke Rita yukk kalau lucky draw nya ditambahin (maruk.com)
btw, teko lo gw naksir berat!
Fa....aku kebagian ngak ?
jd pengen nih.
Looks delicious and your pictures are really beautiful!
Welcome to The Foodie Blogroll! :)
ini favoriteku nih Sef...enak banget keliatannya..& photonya juga cantik sekali
ini favoriteku nih Sef...enak banget keliatannya..& photonya juga cantik sekali
lovely pictures.
aku juga suka nih mbak sama chinese food..maklum aku juga dari sananya :)
@Rita: tosssssss, aku juga demen banget mun tahu :D
thanks for letting me join your event ;)
@Elsye: tossssssss
udah bikin pake ayam cincang-kan kemarin, nanti cobain yg pake daging cincang say, enak deh... ketagihan pasti :D
hehehe.... itulah makanya Els, gue lebih suka motret landscape, gak ribet mikirin food styling dll :D
@Ayin: coba Yin, enak loh... udah gitu gampang dan cepet lagi bikinnya ;)
@Mariena: tekonya satu set itu Mar sama tempat nasinya (itu mah cangkir sebetulnya), mur-mer pas lagi diskon, 5 Euro aja :D
makasih Mar, itu motretnya dihentikan krn give-up :D
@Dwiana: boleh dong Dwi... Nate bawa kesini aja, gue bikinin deh yg banyak :D
semoga aja hadiahnya ditambahin sama Rita *berdoa*
@Nova: kebagian Nov... tenang ajaaaa :))
@Jenndz: thanks a lot Jen! I'm glad that now I'm back to Foodie Blogroll :)
@Lina: tossssss, ini fav-ku juga loh Mbak ;)
makan bareng yuuukkkkkkk
@The Knife: thanks for the compliment and for visiting my blog :)
@Tony: chinese food memang enak sih ;)
That looks great, looks very comforting. I'm hosting the Veg Head carnival, details are in my sidebar, you should submit this recipe.
kangen makan tahu :D
Komen gue sebelomnya gak masuk kayaknya. Gue ulang lagi deh.
Gue juga naksir banget sama tekonya! Temen gue punya teko kayak gitu, tapi natur banget, alias cuman dari tanah liat. Keren buat difoto :D.
Samaan kayak gue, Fa. Gue sering kehausan kalo abis makan di resto Cina. Banyak micin-nya kali ya.
@Chef Erik: but this is not vegetarian dish, since I used minced beef :)
but thanks anyway for the nice offer
@Mindy: disana gak ada tahu ya Ndoel?
@Sheila: teko ini murmer aja Sheil, dapat gak sengaja di Real, tinggal satu-satunya waktu itu :D
wah kalo dari tanah liat, tambah mantep tuhhhhh
he eh... kata temen gue yg pernah kerja didapur resto China, mereka memang pake mecinnya gila-gilaan :D
Saya baru coba resepnya untuk menu makan malam dan besok bawa ke kantor. Enak sekali. Terima kasih.