Sapo Tahu (Sapo Tofu)

Finally after a long delay (almost ), I made sapo tahu. I started to cook at 10 o'clock in the morning and captured it one hour later. Today photo session was tough, I lost my soul in food photography. The sun shines brightly (too strong) and my mood was bad. Exhausted after two days working and little bit discontented after hearing that my sister has to reduce some of my belonging from the luggage to avoid the excess baggage. Yup, my mom, sister and niece will come to visit us. Inshaallah, they will reach Germany tomorrow at 14:00. Houaisssssss!!

Psssttt you know what, my best friend , was laughing out loud when I told her that I'm not satisfied with the photos. And as always, she can comfort me with her laugh. Thanks a lot dear, love you.

Sapo tofu is a Chinese food cooked and served in a claypot. They said that the secret of this food is the claypot that keep it warm and enhance the taste. You can read more about claypot in Wikipedia.

Mbak* Rieke, , for me is a reliable source in culinary field. Her recipes never failed, always turned out good. She is also the one who encourage me to make my own martabak pastry. For me, she is one of my idol among the Indonesian foodiebloggers.

I did small modification by substituting hioko mushroom with button mushroom since I couldn't find them in Asia shop and using dried green onion instead of fresh one. I also reduced some amount of the ingredients. Gottseidank, my hubsie said that he likes it and it tastes very good.

, thanks a lot!

Recipe Source: .


2 cylindrical packs of egg tofu, cut, fried
26 black tiger shrimps, peeled, deveined, cleaned
8 leaves of Chinese cabbage, cut 4 cm, soaked in a hot water until wilted
10 small size button mushrom, cut, cleaned

4 cloves of garlic, finely minced
½ medium size onion, sliced
1 knucklebone ginger, finely minced
1 tbsp dried green onion
5 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
400 ml beef broth (400 ml water + ½ block beef stock)
1½ tbsp sesame oil
1½ cornstarch, dissolved in 3 tbsp water
3 tbsp cooking oil


1. Heat oil in a sauce pan (or you can use skillet or wok). Sauté garlic, onion, ginger and green onion until fragrant.
2. Add beef broth. Season with oyster sauce, fish sauce and sesame oil. Mix well and cook until boil. Remove from the heat.
3. Place fried tofu, shrimps, Chinese cabbages in the claypot. Ladle the broth into the claypot. Cook over moderate heat until set.
4. Add cornstarch mixture. Mix and cook until thicken. Turn of the heat.

Mbak* is a Javanese (Central + East Java) word for Sister. Used to call a woman older than us, but nowadays it used to show some respect.



duh selalu sirik dweh sama yang bisa nikmatin tahu dan tempe. gw cuma bisa ngebayangin aja :(


aduh sedih banget sih Ndoel, gimana kalo elo nyoba bikin tahu + tempe sendiri?

eh tapi disini tempe juga lagi agak susah sih


mbak sefa, kl ini di buat versi vegetarian sama seasoning-nya kan?

100% pengen nyoba


doohhh Fa..bikin gue ngilerrr abiss tahu gue belum pernah coba, bentar guecek ada bumbunya ga..wakakkaka...contek lageeee..soalnya keren booww penampakannya bikin laper :P


@Ira: pastinya sama aja say, selamat mencoba yaa

@Elsye: udah dicek belum? pasti adalah... secara bumbunya sederhana gitu


wah aku kemaren jg bikin sapo tahu ini cuma tahunya pk tahu biasa ga yg pk yg egg tofu *disini mana ada*
dapat claypot dr mana ? aku nyari2 disini blom ktm... lucky uu.. aku masaknya di panci biasa hiks :(
lain kali tak postingin dweh


disini alhamdulillah, kalo tahu mah komplit... tempe aja yg susah :D

claypot beli di toko Asia, cuma 5,50 Euro

sip sip, aku tunggu postingan saponya ya


Fa, gw suka foto lo yg ini. CANTIK!! met berhappy ria yah dikelonin ama sang nyokap.
Nih gw ngos2 an ngejar2 si nate terus. maen mulu gk pernah masak euy. Keseringan makan diluar alias mindahin dapur ke backyard u/ bbq qiqiqi


Cuman bisa ngilerr aja niy sef menatap sapo tahunya....siapa tahu dikirimi..qi..qi:)


kalo sapo tahu aku langsung ngantri...pasti endang sekali nih..


sefaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cakep banget sapo tahunya...aku jadi pengen beli pot sapone hihihi (padahal dah penuh nuh nuh flat ku ga ada tempatt)


indonesian language is so much similiar to filipino? lol! i understood half of the comments here. hahaha...

anyway, i know this dish now. the korean has the deunchangchiggae version. kinda spicy but both has same ingredients and cooked in claypot! yay!

thanks for sharing!!!


@Dwiana: thanks Dwi for the compliment ;)

waaaaaa kalo gue udah ada baby juga gitu kali yak, main kejar-kejaran :D

@Retno: gak mungkin dikirimin Mbak, wajib kesini kalo pengen :D

@Lina: sapo tahu udah enak bikinnya gampang lagi ya Mbak :)

@Rita: Ritaaaaaaaa.. makasih pujiannya :)

ayooo Rit beli claypotnya ;;)
aku juga kalo beli ini itu diomelin, udah gak ada tempat lagi :D

@Deity: hmmm so we have to be careful here to talk in our language, hehehe

your welcome Deity

miund said...

gue nih ya, kalo laper selalu jalan2 ke blognya kak sefa. langsung kenyang liat sapo tahu.

btw, ini resep GOHU dari si mamah yang asli menadoneisss. dikopipes langsung dari YM (alah, serumah aja sok YMan nih... HAHAHAH!)

bumbunya untuk sauce :
cabe merah, jahe dikit, garem --> ulek ato blender;
masak pake air sesuai kebutuhan terus di saring;
tambahkan gula pasir (selagi panas biar larut) + cuka --> to taste;
buahnya : pepaya mengkel dipotong ukuran panjangnya setengah tusuk gigi tebelnya terserah ya mirip tempe buat kering tempe; kalo gak ada pepaya mengkel biasanya pakai timun (buang bijinya) juga boleh;

kalo timun ya dipotongnya : timun dibelah 4 memanjang, buang bijinya, terus di slice rada tebel; campur potongan pepaya mengkel ke sauce yang udah didinginin dulu (room temp.) terus simpen dulu di fridge sekitar 1-2 jam, biar rasa bumbunya nyerep ke buah; selesai;


wakakakaka... Miund, bisa aja... liat foto malah kenyang :))

asiiikkkkkk... gohu segera dibikin begitu dapat pepaya muda :D

salam hormat dan terimakasih utk Mamah tercinta


Hi Sefa, salam kenal and thanks buat resepnya, aku dah coba sapo tahu ini dan hasilnya mantappp ;-))

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A West Sumatran's descendant, born and raised in Jakarta. Now living in Northern Germany. A full time dreamer.

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