When the Indonesians talk about pepes, it means steamed foods (fish, tofu, mushroom, chicken, etc) wrapped in banana leaves. But since it's kinda hard to find banana leaves in Germany (they can be found in Asia shop eventually, depends on your luck), I decided to use aluminum foil. That's the reason why I named it steamed chicken wrapped in alu foil instead of banana leaves (just don't want to be Pinocchio).
Today morning I remembered that I have to make pepes ayam for "Masak Bareng Yuukk..!!!" (Let's Cook Together) organized by Ayin from AG'S Food, Dheeta of and Shinta from I didn't know what to do since I didn't have chicken and it was already 10am which means I only had 5 hours to buy chicken, cook and photograph it before the sunset (sunset at 16:00). When I thought to skip it, my hubby asked me to come with him to the train station which gave me chance to buy chicken from the supermarket behind.
After finished all my stuff outside (transferred money to the insurance, bought Arabic bread for my better half), I started to cook at 12:30. To make pepes ayam from the recipes available on the net will take more time, so I decided to go with my own and used all the ingredients I had (I didn't have shallot (small red onion), so I used purple onion). Luckily, I still have dried kemangi (sweet basil leaves) that my mom brought me last Summer.
As I created the recipe, I kept memorizing which spice I used and how much. At the same time, I had to take care of Gulai Cancang Kambing (West Sumatran Lamb Curry). Then at 14:30, the foods (both gulai cancang and pepes ayam) were ready for photo shooting.
I was a bit afraid that my pepes ayam will taste bad, but it turned out very good only needed more salt. Hence if you'd like to try it, please do your own adjustment for the spices. Hope you'll like it as much as we do .

Congrats to both Masak Bareng Yuukk..!!! and Original Recipes Round-up for the new badges!
Oooppsss, you might wonder why it is named Pepes Ayam Iniaku? It's called Pepes Ayam Iniaku because I am the one who created the recipe and usually I used the ID of my primary blog (Iniaku) to make it different from others.

Pepes Ayam Iniaku (Iniaku Style Steamed Chicken Wrapped in Alu Foil)
Recipe by me
2 chicken thighs, skin out, cut into 3 pieces (as desired)
Lemon juice as needed
6 small lime leaves
1 stalk of lemongrass (without the white part), halved
Dried kemangi (sweet basil leaves) as needed - using fresh kemangi better
4 red chilies, angle sliced
Spices, grind or blend:
½ purple onion
4 cloves of garlic
4 dried red chilies
2 kemiri (candle nut)
1 tsp galangal powder
1 knucklebone of ginger, peeled
Salt to taste
½ tsp vegetable oil
Lemon juice

1. Clean chicken pieces and marinade with lemon juice. Let it stand for 15 minutes.
2. Prepare two sheets of aluminum foil. Put in each half of the chicken and rub with half of the ground spices. Add 3 lime leaves, half of chilies, half of lemongrass and dried kemangi as needed. Wrap alu foil and close very good.
3. Steam chicken in a preheated steamer for 45 minutes. Remove from steamer.
4. Open alu foil. Grill in the oven of 180°C for 15 minutes before serving.
5. Drizzle with lemon juice and eat white steamed rice.
Aku dapet paling banyak soalnya pertama :D:D hihihi
Sef disini banyak daun pisang loh...
balik lg,td wkt mo ngetik tiba-2 pc mati :( lg eror pcku hiks
pk kemangi dr Nana ya.. kemangi msh numbuh n idup walo tak tinggal mudik cm ga sesubur sblmnya hehe.. :D
Nice shoot aniwe ;) makin keren aja photonya skg Sef hihi..
Oh ya yg 50 mm jrg tak pake krn ribet *blm trbiasa kali ye hehe* learing by doing lg biar terbiasa
Sefa, pepesku pake fillet, kayanya kl pake ayam potongan ( kayak pepes ayam mu ) enak jg ya, tulang2nya bisa di kerokoti hihi *dasar aku rakus:p*
really nice shot Fa..indeed...
@Rurie: rebutan sama suamiku Rie... dia ternyata doyan..
aku sengaja bikin dikit takut keblenger ngabisin, eh gak taunya dia suka :D
@Ayin: kenapa emangnya si PC?
aku pake kemangi kering Yin, dibawain nyokap waktu beliau kesini Juni kemarin..
aku gak bakat nanem... makanya aku gak minta sama Nana :D
makasih Yin.. ini masih belajar motret terussssssss
dirimu foto-fotonya sejak pulang kampung juga tambah kinclong.. seneng sih ya udah makan enak di Indo :d
@Abby: aku kurang doyan ayam fillet By.. makanya pake yg ada tulangnya
thanks By.. aku mampir ah ketempatmu ;)
aku ga pake alu foil, cuma pake steamer yg udah ada kontainer di dalamnya Fa..makanya airnya jd nambah deh...kayak berkuah dikit gitu...tp rasa tetep mak nyossss sih..
Kita sama ya mbak Sefa, ngerjainnya mepet-mepet. Hihihi...
Aku juga bikin sedikit takut suami ga suka, eh... ternyata makannya malah nambah. Katanya bau daunnya menambah selera.
Fotonya keren mbak Sefa, bikin ngiler yang liat... Thanx for join, bulan depan lagi yuuk... Sedikit bocoran, kyaknya bulan depan menu soto padang. Do't you want it? ;)
OH MY GODDDD Why has it taken me this long to come across your blog!!! I LOOOOOVE pepes ayam!! Yummmmm! Can you post a recipe for pepes ikan too??? Gosh, I love your blog!
waduhhh masak2 bareng, kapan donk makan2 barengnya? qiiqiqiqi gw mau makannya aja deh Fa. doyan ama pepes apalagi ayam. celamitan.com
Pics make me drool. Love the theme of the event. Very awesome presentation like always..
Banana leaves sure are hard to spot in western countries.Steamed chicken looks very flavorful with the unique spices.
This looks great, your pictures are beautiful!
Seperti biasanya .. foto2nya selalu cantiiikk ngundang selera :) pake alu papier juga ok Sef, aku pernah juga bikin lemper pake alu papier gitu, karna kebetulan lagi nggak ada daun pisang he he! Tetap bleiben nyammiii ..
Good luck ya Sef ..
hallo cewek kenon...
pepesmu bener-bener ngemesin, didukung ma foto-fotomu yg super top cer.
Pertama kali baca ttg pepes ayam pikiranku melayang ma pepes ikan jaman kecilku, yg diiris kecil-kecil trus di bungkus kecil-kecil... doh kebayang klo bikin bisa keriting tangan heheh...
duh jadi pengen pepes ayam
wah pepes ayam, baru denger aku Sef. kapan2 dicobain ah:)
Yeah, I know, haven't seen banana leaves around here either. I'm glad you went trying this recipe using aluminium foil, I wouldn't have liked to miss it only because they weren't any banana leaves available. The flavours sound great and I can only imagine what a great meal would this be when paired with a fresh salad, yum!
Thank you for being such a great friend and contributor to the Original Recipes Round-Up :D
Hi...got here from Lore the minute I saw your dish. It looks really finger-watering good & original!! YUM...am bookmarking it! Thanks a ton for posting this! Cheers Deeba