This recipe has been drafted since November 2008 and it's time for it to be published after I adjusted the date. The apple cake that you can see from the above has an original name "Mom's Apple Cake" as it's written by Deb's mother, the author of Smitten Kitchen. It tasted so delicious that become one of our favorite apple cake. Thank you Deb, please send my regards to your mom.
It said that apple is a fruit of winter but in fact, apple is always available through the seasons (at least I always find apple in the supermarket nearby). I like apple, but only the green one or known as Granny Smith's apple. Why? Because it always reminds me of my childhood when I spent my school holiday in my grandfather's house in Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. At that time, my uncle took me to the apple plantation and let me to pick it myself. It was the harvest month of the green apple or known in Indonesia as apel Malang (Malang's apple).

Malang's apple is believed to have a good effect for those with high cholesterol and those with cyst in their reproduction system. I don't know that much about Granny Smith's apple (I've searched through the web but found nothing), but after all, eating one apple a day will keep the doctor away.
Deb's mom used McIntosh apples to make this apple cake, but I used Granny Smith's apples instead. It was the only thing that I modified from the recipe, the rest I just followed what Deb's written on her blog. I didn't use walnut, as my better half wanted only apple in the cake.

For those who needs the recipe, please simply click this link. Make sure you browse around her blog to find another tasty recipes she has posted.
Thanks for posting the recipe. I will definitely try this recipe.
your welcome Ros and yes, you must try this one *yummy*
yang heran ya sef, gw benci apel tp kalo dah dipake baking/cooking baru doyan hehehe
(banyak banget seh makanan sehat yg gw sebelin, inget blueberry?)
Photonya keren Sef :D naskir ama piringnya hehe... :)
Soal yg kemaren itu blm ada kabarnya lagi.. wait n see
@Mochachocolata Rita: kok bisa gitu ya Rit, tapi baguslah daripada gak dimakan sama sekali :D
iya, ingetlah blueberry ;)
@A.G: makasih Yin, itu piring gue beli murah bener, secara yg punya udah meninggal, jadi sama cucunya dijualin barang-barangnya
Gosh, everything looks so mouthwatering good in here!
Huaaaa.... so mouth watering... Fotonya keyeeeeeeen bgt...
I love apple cake... ntar aku cobain yah Sefa...