Gee! If you ask me "Are you that busy even to make fried rice?" Unfortunately the answer is Yes, I am.
I really am busy at the moment (that make me wish that one day is 30hours). I am now in the middle of learning AutoCAD so I am able to draw for my thesis. I knew about this software from a long time ago, but never care about it but now. Lucky me that my better half is good in it and he is really good in delivering knowledge as it helps me a lot in understanding the subject.
Back to the fried rice, three friends of mine in blogosphere Ayin at AG'S Food, and are organizing an event called (Let's Cook Together) and I've been skipped two months of the event though I've promised them to join with many reason. Now, for this month, the theme chosen from voting is nasi goreng (fried rice) and no excuse for sure since to make nasi goreng is easy and quick. This reason is one of my reason to delay it, since it needs one hour to be done.
I kept on delaying until today in the morning my reader is full with various nasi goreng recipes. I almost gave up with another excuse since today I had to make a cake for my friend's birthday. But, I felt embarrassed to skip again as I don't want to break my promise to them for the third times. Enough!
After delivering the cake to my friend at the university (yes, he celebrated his birthday with his colleagues there) and dropped by at my office, I went home and slept. Yup, instead of directly cooked the fried rice, I preferred to sleep as the weather outside was cold and I was tired for getting up early making the cake and cleaning my kitchen afterward. I set my alarm at 2:30PM, but turned it off when it buzzed to wake me up. Fast forward, I got up from bed at 3:30PM and started making fried rice at 4PM.
The idea of making this fried rice has been in my mind since nasi goreng was voted as March's theme. I just used simple spices for it and made it colorful (yellow, green, red). It is really quick and easy but for sure tasty. If you don't believe me, please just try it at home. Since the recipe is created by me, this oyster sauce fried rice goes to my dear friend with her monthly event.
Nasi Goreng Saus Tiram (Oyster Sauce Fried Rice)
Recipe by me
1 bowl of cooked rice
4 tbsp green soy bean, skin out, boil for 10 minutes, drain
4 tbsp corn kernel
Oyster sauce to taste
5 red chilies, angle sliced
4 shallots, finely sliced
2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
Salt, pepper and sugar to taste
1 tsp sesame oil
Vegetable oil
Fried shallot (bawang goreng)
1. Heat oil in a wok pan. Sauté shallots, garlic and red chilies until fragrant. Fold in green soy bean and corn kernel. Mix well.
2. Season with oyster sauce. Continue cooking by stirring until cooked.
3. Add rice and mix well. Season with salt, sugar and pepper. Continue cooking until set.
4. Drizzle with sesame oil, mix well for a while and remove from the heat.
5. Ready to serve with omelet and fried shallot.
AKu cicip juga yg disini :D enakkk
Iya gak pake krupuk soale males goreng
waduh.... sendoknya lucu deh yg t4 nasgor itu... gendut2 gimana gitu... wkwkwkwkwk
btw,dikau kul jursn apa sih,kok pake belajar autocad segala?
jadi ingat jaman penjajahan dulu nih, belajar autocad sampe gak keluar kamar. wkwkwkwkwk
makasih ya entry-nya buat MasBar...
Sefa, your fried rice is soooo vibrant! So many different colours, yum! I always use saus tirem in my fried rice too... can't have enough of that sauce!
wah fotonya menggoda untuk beli barang-barang dapur dari kayu. :D
halah...halah....nasgornya bikin peyutku kruyuk...kruyuk...
As far as about nasgor gw dah kenyang keliling ini hari and now I am staring at your wooden props! *cute!
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Sefa,green soybeans itu Edamame bukan yach? belum pernah nich coba nasgor pake oyster sauce...must be yummy! thanks udah mampir ke nasgorku.:)
waduh nasgornya menggiurkan sekali
Tosss dulu ah, sehati niy ya..he..he,kereeeen fotonya.
fotomu aja selalu bikin laper, mbak.. apalgi kalo dapet baunya, sakaw kali ye.. he.he..
nasgornya pengen nyicip doonkk.. ditambah fotonya yang keren, bikin tambah laper. Tukeran yuk :D
btw, boleh nanya disini ngga? kalau foto2 yg pake props kayu itu settingan kamera dibikin apa ya? apa ya istilahnya? redup2 gitu loh.. kalau pake kamera saku kira2 bakal bisa ngga ya? thx
Aku suka foto yg background putih! Keliatan banget kalo nasgor yang jadi bintangnya.
Nyicip satu sendok ya... ;)
Perfect dish for afternoon, will try it out and pic is great
Tuhkan ilang bener komentku :((
Btw Sef.. aku minta salah satu photomu buat round up di rmh masak bareng ya..banjer nasgor nih buat round up
I always love nasi goreng!!!! Looks good!!
masih ngilerrrr walau gue udah bikin juga..hihihihihi.....ahhhhhh jadi pengen makan nasi goreng lo Fa...
aaw..juara lagi.. selamat ya say.. :-)
Sefa ..indah2 banget fotomu Sef, punya kesan tersendiri.. ck ck ck kagum aku :-) he he.. nggak cuma kagum ama nasgor e.. yang jelas enaklah nasgor :-D
What an awesome photo!!!!!!!!!!
What a great picture, Send the event wood to
my id is
sip nih idenya sef...wadow gw keabisan saos tirem...belinya ntar-an ah abis pindah rumah aza. hehehe
Wow! lovely pictures.