Taken on April 4th, 2008
Canon EOS 400D - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8
1/50 at f/2.2 - ISO 100 - Flash Off - Handheld
When I realized that half of strawberries I bought have turned bad, I directly saved the rest by transforming them into strawberry sauce. But before I did that, I captured them for memory *LOL*
After taking and uploading the pictures in my primary blog, by chance I read the announcement about CLICK April 2008 from IMBB, I thanked myself *narcissist mode on .
It's been a long time I haven't took part in foodie event since I deleted by mistake. Now, I feel like join one.
The theme of CLICK in April 2008 is Au Naturel. Perfect right, since it said we have to submit the picture of food in it’s natural state, as it comes from the farm, forest, pasture or the sea.
Though in my home country we have strawberries, but the taste is different. Uncle Wiki said that strawberry varieties vary remarkably in size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant. Some vary in foliage, and some vary materially in the relative development of their sexual organs. In most cases the flowers appear hermaphroditic in structure, but function as either male or female.
I took all the pictures early in the morning as the sun shone brightly through my bed room window. I made some experiments by increasing and reducing the exposure bias number in my camera. I cropped the picture by Picasa and labeled it by Zoom Browser EX.
More photos are available in album: Strawberries: Sebelum Layu
wah kliatan kempling stroberynya...
btw kita duduknya sebelahan Sef di galerynya Om Bandi hueheehe...
kempling apaan sih Yin?
he eh... aku juga liat, foto kita deketean ;)
kempling itu shiny huehehe...
disebelahku ada photonya Eliza d USA... rombongan tukang poto dr Indo geng hihihi
Fa, kok samaan sih ngirim stroberi. Barusan pengen ngirim ke Om Bandi (pinjem istilahnya Ayin). Aku ikutin cara kamu bikin keterangan fotonya, ya. Lagi males mikir nih. Hmmm...sebenernya lagi males nge-blog juga. Males moto makanan. Waduh, pokoknya lagi gak mood banget deh.
Btw, moga suamimu cepet sembuh, ya. Emang cuaca kayak gini gak menentu loh. Kita kira udah bagus, tapi justru bisa bikin penyakit.
Waduh itu tobeyi seger banget mau dong hihii , mampir sekalian nih ke rumah barunya :)
@Ayin: ooo gitu toh, maklum deh Yin, kosa kata bhs Jawa sedikit banget, hihihi
aha... yg foto mangga itu ya? bikin ngiler memang fotonya, dan jadi inget alm. Bapak yg kalo ngupas mangga pasti dibikin tiker kayak gitu :D
@Sheila: namanya juga sehati Sheil, jadi harus sama dong deskripsiin fotonya ;;)
aku lagi males masak Sheil, jadi gak ada juga yg mau difoto :D
terimakasih, dia sptnya kecapean dan tau sendiri, udara masih aneh gini.. kadang panas, kadang dingin :(
@Tie: stroberinya udah tinggal kenangan say :)
makasih ya udah mampir
Itu dia, Fa. Emang keliatannya aja cuaca bagus, tapi sering banget nipu-nya. Udah pengalaman sama anak2-ku.
Dirimu punya f1.4 ya? Mauuuuuu :) Pengen beli, Fa, tapi budgetnya masih belom nyampe...hehehe.
@Sheila: bener banget... masa beberapa hari lalu di Bremen ujan es sih? aneh bukan :))
ah aku mah belum mampu beli yg f/1.4 Sheil... yg murmer aja, f/1.8 (itupun aku belinya di Indo, nitip sama temen)
Sef...bagus nih poto strawberry nya, tekstur buah nya cocok ama tekstur kain tatakan.
Ajarin aku moto yah ntar aku ajarin ngehias cookies hehehehe....
@Mariena: makasih say, itu tatakannya tisu dapur :D
@Rita: aduh... aku mah pemula diduni potret-memotret makanan, mending belajar bareng :)
kalo dirimu pan sudah tidak diragukan lagi dalam dunia dekor kue ;)